This dataset contains phytoplankton samples collected from Puget Sound and analyzed using a particle imaging analyzer (FlowCAM®). For more information see the King County marine phytoplankton webpage.
This specific dataset summarizes phytoplankton abundance and biovolume data to the lowest practical taxonomic unit. Additional datasets summarize abundance and biovolume data by:
This dataset contains phytoplankton samples collected from Puget Sound and analyzed using a particle imaging analyzer (FlowCAM®). For more information see the King County marine phytoplankton webpage.
This specific dataset summarizes phytoplankton abundance and biovolume data by functional group. Additional datasets summarize abundance and biovolume data by:
This dataset contains phytoplankton biovolume data from Puget Sound. For species level presence/absence data, please contact . Please download the ReadMe file prior to using the data. For phytoplankton photos, go to For more information see the King County marine phytoplankton webpage.
This specific dataset summarizes phytoplankton biovolume data to the lowest practical taxonomic unit. Additional datasets summarize abundance and biovolume data by: